Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Kitty Cat {Work-In-Progress}

Hello All!

Sorry, I haven't shared anything this week. I haven't had time to finish any orders because my weekend, which is usually filled with lots of crochet and relaxing, was instead spent on the road so my husband and I could see each other for a long weekend. His job transferred him to Minnesota, and here I am in Georgia finishing out the school year teaching dance (which I do love, but I'm telling you, I did not get married to live a 2 days' drive from my husband!) 

So I decided this week that I would share a WIP with you, and share the final product later. 

This is an adorable cat, designed by Sue Pendleton (pattern available at Rebecca, my precious student who asked me to make this for her, requested a hot pink dress, rather than the light pink one pictured below: 

photo credit: Sue Pendleton, found on
Tabitha, a Toy Cat

So this is what a kitty face starts out looking like. I figured I'd better show  you the one with ears and a face first, so you wouldn't question my sanity/crochet skills :) Sometimes when you are at the beginning or in the middle of a project, it can be hard to see how on EARTH it will turn out looking like the picture...yet we persevere...

I know, this just looks like a random bumpy shape and a tangle of yarn. But then...

 ...add eyes, a nose, and mouth, and instantly we have personality! Once I added the face, it was a lot easier to see the adorable kitty cat that would come into being through my crochet hook! Adding the stuffing helps a lot to see the shape of the head and nose, as well. 

However, I thought it still looked kind of bald and weird until I added the ears: 

Ah, there we go! 

I have also finished the arms and 1 1/2 of the legs, but they look kind of strange and you can't really tell what they are supposed to be, so I decided to spare y'all the awkward photographs (I could just see you turning your head sideways and saying, Is it supposed to look like that? And the answer is yes, but once again, when you're in the middle of a project sometimes it is hard to see the end result). 

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