Friday, March 7, 2014

Thrifted Find!

This post is not about crochet, but I thought you would enjoy seeing this beautiful tray that I purchased last week: 

Yes, for only two dollars!

I got it at our local Habitat for Humanity Home Shop. The shop supports a great ministry, helping to provide homes for people who need them in our community (click here to read more about Habitat for Humanity, and here to find out more about my local Habitat branch). 

Not only am I glad my purchase, small though it is, supports a great cause, but I also prefer to buy at consignment and thrift stores (more economical and SERIOUSLY, people give away some awesome stuff) rather than going out and buying new stuff. I like the idea of giving something old a new life again, and things that are older seem to bring such beautiful and mysterious stories into my home. I love for my things to have a personal history. 

Yes, it is a little worse for wear, but once I clean it up a little I think it will be beautiful! Lately I have been really interested in beautiful trays helping to organize desks or dressers. I don't know this tray's exact destiny yet, but I think it was a great buy!

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